a timeline of Kiry (my fursona)
Originally posted on Cohost: 2023-11-24
For almost a decade my fursona (dragonsona?) was just this vague idea of "red dragon, totally epic". The origin of their design and name are both related to mine craft, somehow. In this post I'll go through a brief timeline of how my sona came to be the dragon they are today
time travel to 2011
mine craft finally got a dragon, the ender dragon. There were rumors about other dragons
being added at a later point, specifically red dragons (foreshadowing)
i made the ender dragon texture into a (rather ugly) player skin and found great joy in playing as
This was also the year i started dabbling with making minecraft stuff in SketchUp, and it didn't
take long before I had assembled the ender dragon in 3D
Another game with dragons and a mountain you could climb released this year. I was already a
latent fan of dragons since like, forever, but the ender dragon and the skyrim dragons brought this
dragon enthusiasm to the forefront.
a bit out in 2012 i made a "nether dragon" reskin of the ender dragon, but with weird voxely style
horns (that absolutely don't fit the style but i thought they looked epic at the time). I found the
ender dragon's front eyes a bit goofy, so my nether dragon has eyes on the sides.
I also made a player skin variant of this, and found even greater joy playing as it.
Using the nether dragon as base, I made a "red dragon" variant, still with side eyes and voxely
spikes. Naturally I also made a player skin version of this, and found even greaterer joy playing as
it. This probably counts as the earliest version of my sona, being red and all, but I suppose the
nether dragon could also work, since they are both related to fire.
Trying sculpting for the first time with Sculptris, I made a kinda weird looking dragon head that I
probably started detailing way too early, drawing each individual scale. I later dragged it into my
rendering program at the time (Kerkythea) and gave it a red color.
← Oh hey look,
cornellboxposting from a decade ago
the year I started switching over to blender as my main modeling program. I poly modeled a really
shitty red dragon. It looks ten times worse than the 2013 sculpt, because I modeled it with the
beginner subdivision hell method.
In other news, Mincraf for Win10 became a thing and I had to come up with a new username because
"2XMM2" starts with a number and that's not allowed in gamertags - this is when I came up with
the year I got a VR headset and started getting more serious with character modeling (VR is a great
motivator for 3D modeling!). I made an anthro version of the shitty dragon from 2015 and used it in
VR with mixed results. One interesting detail is that I switched the belly scutes from brown to a
more peach color
The Digoru avatar model by disshimu released this year, and I quickly bought it and made my recolor
of it, basing the colors on both the minecraft skin and the peach color from the previous year.
I was this model so much in VR that eventually it just became my sona of sorts, and with the
color scheme established I would put it on nearly every new VR avatar model I acquired (and I still
From 2019 til today I've edited 40-ish models into my sona, the ones shown in the picture below in a mostly chronological order from the top left wrapping. You might be wondering what species they really are, if all of these are really the same character? Well, lore-wise I kinda handwave it as "dragon, but sometimes not" (maybe a shapeshifter?) basically don't think too much about it idk

Model names and links
Top row
- Digoru by disshimu
- Hobkin by Hobbert
- Sanobu by Zoidberg656
- Nordé by aoikarasu (originally Windt by Milkpot)
- Drabun by Kazicom
- Shiron by Dvorakir (hey, that's me)
- Alums by mofuaki
- Sharat by Anagura Works
Second row
Third row
- Skafu by Dvorakir (me again!)
- Asty by Furriverse
- Rabi by BlueGua
- Chipori by Hobbert (massive stompers not included)
- El Senes by Maneki-Neko
- Kubi by BlueGua
- Chibo by BlueGua
- Bori by Qyuming (Note: this dragon version has been discontinued)
Fourth row
- Vulkan by Kurotori
- Hale 2.0 by gigash
- Chakuri by kushi94
- BZ Protogen by Triwave
- Color Dino 2 by Ris
- WolfBoi by BlueGua
- Kankitsu by NekuNoid
- Momo by VanillaPeaches (no longer available)
- Fether Dragonet by suko-doge
Fifth row
- Skull Gremkin by Hobbert
- Gonbi by BlueGua
- Foshunia by disshimu
- Jerry Avali by Wispweaver
- Guavali by BlueGua
- Digoru by disshimu again, but with new paws and clothes for completeness
- Vyrn by Dvorakir, a model I haven't released and probably won't
- Chalo by mofuaki
Stats for nerds
- 41 Kirys (Kiries?)
- 148 meshes
- 1,809,383 triangles
- 183 materials
- 317 textures
- 11 gigs of VRAM (blender stores the full uncompressed textures in memory)
Kiry got an actual name and a slightly more defined design, with help from Arfer! The name simply being a shortened nicknamey version of Dvorakir - wow!
The design would still change slightly from this in the coming years.
My plans of making a model from the ground up of my sona still didn't materialize, so I made edits
to the Digoru model to make it more Kiry: a pair of horns and an outfit consisting of a purple shirt
and shorts - not a very interesting outfit, but I was never much of a fashion person so it fits!
I make a brand new set of paws for the Kiry-goru, which will also be the paws for my eventual own
model of Kiry. Maybe I'll keep modeling part by part until I have a complete dragon - a dragon of
Maybe I finally make the full Kiry model, maybe not?
Maybe Kiry becomes green and starts disliking pizza? hopefully not!
I was hoping to end this timeline on a more interesting point but im just gonna leave it as a
for future me to eventually return and rechost/rebug with the model if it ever becomes a thing